Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Busy Learning in the Beautiful Fall Weather!

Our classroom is up and running in full swing!!  Here is a brief overview of what we have been up to within the month of October.At the beginning of the month we took a trip to Tamarac. It was a beautiful day and a perfect time for us to explore mother nature with digital camera's, binoculars and our hiking legs!  We studied the leaves and seeds.  Everyone's favorite part was seeing a real beaver dam up close.  We also enjoyed sharing lunch together outside in the beautiful weather!  Thank you to those parents who were able to join us!

Here we are in the school court yard exploring how seed's travel by experimenting with milkweed.

In science we have started exploring the three states of matter.  We did an amazing experiment in which we watched one state of matter change to another, right in front of our very eyes!  By mixing vinegar and baking soda, a change between one state of matter resulted in the balloon filling up with air, and eventually bursting towards our classroom ceiling!  As you can see from their faces, this experiment was a hit!

We have also been taking the time to establish our routines and learning what it means to work together and truly practice the golden rule.

We each created a puzzle piece about ourselves and then discovered that each of our individual pieces fit together as a giant puzzle!

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