Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A short review of our short week.....

This week in second grade we were still able to focus on a variety of learning tasks...even with all the excitement of the coming Thanksgiving break looming in the air.

Thanks to, we were able to take a virtual field trip through a webcast to Plimoth Plantation.  We were able to get a "taste" of what the first Thanksgiving might have looked like!  We met a pilgrim and a Wampanoag Native American.  We were given a tour of a pilgrims house, and were able to take a tour within a model Mayflower ship.  If you would like to experience the First Thanksgiving again with your child, click on the link under reading sites.

This week in phonics we focused on the two sounds of c.   C makes either a "soft" s sound or a hard "k" sound.  We did a variety of word sorts and activities.  A class favorite was this "c" hip hop that we listened to each morning at our morning meeting time.

In math, we are continuing our practice of double facts.  Remember to have your child visit math facts in a flash over this long weekend to keep up on their fact speed and accuracy!

AND finally, the biggest highlight of our week, was seeing the snow flurries outside.  There were multiple times kids were crowded around the window shouting for joy at the sight of falling snow.  Let's just hope they can keep the spirit throughout the long Minnesota winter!

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